How to Play Video
How To Play
DiscGoBall RULES
Each player or team will receive four balls and three discs in either red or blue color. The set of balls and discs will include the following:
- Three frisbee discs worth two points each
- One Rubber ball worth three points “The 3-Ball”
- Three Spiral balls worth one point each “The 1-Ball”
In addition to these, the players will also use the following during the game:
- The white Go-Ball
- The white Go-Disc
- A measuring tape or app on your phone
Starting the Game
DiscGoBall can be played with two players or in teams of up to seven players on each team. If playing with more than 2 players, divide up the balls and discs between players.
To decide which team goes first, place the Go-Ball at least 12 ft away and have one player from each team toss their 3-point ball to see who gets closest.
The closest player starts the game by placing the white Go-Disc on the ground to mark the starting point. Then, they must toss the white Go-Ball underhanded at least 12 feet away into an open area that both players can see. If the Go-Ball is not at least 12 feet away or not in a visible/playable area, the other player or team will be given the Go-Disc and Go-Ball and the first toss.
Playing the Game
THE OBJECT - Get your balls and/or discs closer to the DiscGoBall than your opponent’s closest ball or disc.
The order of throws go as follows: Go-Ball, 3-point Ball, 1-point Balls and then discs.
Player 1 places the Go-Disc as a marker to throw from. All players must throw from behind the Go-Disc. Player 1 then tosses the Go-Ball to start the play. Player 1 then tosses their 3-point ball and attempts to get as close as they can to the Go-Ball. Then Player 2 follows with their 3-point ball also attempting to get as close as they can to the Go-Ball.
The player that is furthest from the Go-Ball will then throw their 1-Balls until they get closer to the Go-Ball by either throwing a closer shot, knocking the other player's ball away, or hitting the Go-Ball to move its location closer to one of their balls.
If a player does not get closer in their attempts with their balls, they will continue to try to get closer with their discs until they are the closest player to the Go-Ball.
Once a player has gotten either a ball or disc closer to the Go-Ball, the other player will step up to the Go-Disc and throw the remainder of their balls and discs until they get closer.
This continues, by switching players each time one gets a ball or disc closer to the Go-Ball. If a player has thrown all of their balls and discs and has not succeeded at getting closer to the Go-Ball, the next player will throw their remaining balls and discs getting as close to the Go-Ball as they can to complete the round.
Both players must stay behind the Go-Disc until all Balls and Discs are tossed. Once each player has thrown all of their balls and discs, “Team 2” (the team/player that did not start the game) will make a measurement to see who is closer to the Go-Ball. If at the end of the round, Player 1 (the player who first dropped the Go-Disc) is not closest to the Go-Ball or is equal distance to the Go-Ball as their opponent, Player 1 gets one chance for redemption by picking up the Go-Disc and attempting to throw it closest to the Go-Ball.
Scoring the Game
The player with the closest balls and/or discs wins the round and receives the point value for all balls and/or discs closer to the Go-Ball than their opponent’s closest ball or disc!
3-pts - The winning player gets 3 points if their 3-point ball (rubber ball) is closer to the Go-Ball than the opponent's closest ball or disc.
2-pts - The winning player gets 2 points for every disc closer to the Go-Ball than the opponent's closest ball/disc.
1-pt - The winning player gets 1 point for every 1-Ball (spiral ball) closer to the Go-Ball than the opponent’s closest ball/disc.
Bonus pt - If any player's ball or disc is touching the Go-Ball, they will receive 1 bonus point for that item. If both players have balls or discs touching the Go-Ball then they cancel each other out and “zero” points are given for that round. The team that started that round maintains control of the next round.
Toppers - A topper is when a disc is covering any part of an opponent’s ball. There are no toppers on your own ball. If any player's disc is topping any of the other player's balls, the player of the ball that is topped must subtract the point value of that ball from their total game score. Total game score may have negative points.
4-pt Topper - If a disc is topping the white “Go-Ball”, the player that threw that disc will be awarded 4 bonus points. If one player is touching the Go-Ball and the other player tops the Go-Ball, only the player topping the Go-Ball will be awarded the points.
Tie - If both players are equal distance from the Go-Ball then “zero” points are given for that round. The team that started that round maintains control of the next round.
Continuing the Game
The player that wins the previous round gets the Go-Disc and the Go-Ball to start the next round. That player also has earned “redemption” (the right to throw the Go-Disc if at the end of the round they are not closest to the Go-Ball). The game will continue in such a manner until one player reaches at least 21 points. You can also choose to play 33 points for a longer game.
In the last round, the player/team that is behind gets one last chance of redemption by tossing the DiscGoDisc. This gives that player the chance to come back and keep the game going.
Challenge - If both players are unable to determine who is closer after a toss, they must reach a mutual agreement on the matter from behind the Go-Disc. Alternatively, one player has the option to challenge the other and request a measurement of the distance. If the challenge is unsuccessful, the losing player loses 1 point from their score.
If any ball or disc is thrown out of order or out of play (ie. street, bodies of water) that ball or disc will be taken out of play for that round.
To make the game more fun and to add more variety, many locations may be used, i.e., sidewalks, woodchips, beaches, fields, parks, playgrounds, yards, schools, churches, gyms, etc.